Hey guys!
I know it's been quite a while since I've blogged, but I have a decent excuse! During the end of November to the middle of December my one best friend and I were in the process of trying to buy our own ice cream parlor. Sadly, due to time constrictions, we weren't able to get it.
After that, I was offered a management position at my current job, which I've been in the process of training and working a lot more than I was previously. So I apologize for not posting anything.
Now, this might sadden a few, but I recently haven't really had the time to do freebies either, so I'm going to blog about what I have been doing. And I apologize in advance if I start to ramble, but if you do decide to try this, you might end up doing the same thing.
I've been doing the Juice Reboot! After watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on Netflix and looking at myself, I realized, I really needed to try this. I can honestly say, only 2 days in, that this is the best decision I've made for myself and my life in a long time.
In case you are asking what exactly is a juice reboot, I'll explain it quit. Basically all you do is juice all of your fruits and veggies in a juicer. No solid food during the reboot. Only fruits and veggies. If you have medication, obviously you take it. You only drink water or herbal tea with nothing in it. Why? Your body needs a rest, needs to be cleaned of all the toxins in it. You can drink more fruits and veggies from a juicer than you can eat, causing you to get a juice that is densely packed with vitamins and nutrients that go into your system faster. It causes a ton of good for every cell in your body.
Luckily, I have a partner with me in this... My lovely sister! She's amazing and she did a short one before when she was at her heaviest weight and it was the kick-off to her weight loss journey. When she first did this two years ago, she got a Juiceman juicer. I'm not exactly sure of how much it cost her(and she can't remember), but I know juicers are not cheap. Actually, this whole process isn't really cheap. As you know, eating healthy in general, is expensive. So the cost of all of our random fruits and veggies came out to almost $70 for two people for a 5 day reboot. Not too bad when you split the cost.
Now I won't lie and say "THIS IS THE EASIEST THING YOU'LL EVER DO!" Because it isn't. Plain and simple, it is difficult to have the will power to say no to the solid food, candy, sugary drinks, etc. that come your way. It really, truly is. It is hard. And remember, this isn't a diet. It's a way to change your life. Even after a short day and a half, I've decided that I do want to change my life. I'm not going to go back to eating crap after this like before. I CAN'T do it.
As I'm typing this, I'm drinking an AMAZING green juice. I'm can't remember what all my sister said she put in it(although I do remember kale, broccoli and cauliflower , but I'll get it from her and post it later. For breakfast she made a watermelon juice which was amazing as well. The biggest thing to do before trying this is knowing what you want going in and having recipes ready to go. So rebootwithjoe.com has a lot of good things on it as well as juicingandrawfoods.com
Now, I have two videos posted on youtube under evilxpenguinss tracking my process. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, the videos and I'll try to keep posting about my results.
Also, as of right now, only a day and a half in, I have lost 7 pounds.