Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunglasses from

The video above shows the items that I received just by filling out freebie forms. Just think, cool items like that could be yours too! The items from yardsellr were free too! Just by getting referrals from facebook & twitter, I was able to get free photon$ to get those items!!

Just so you know, dosomething is a website that gives you ways to help. Like sending jeans to homeless teens, helping at pet shelters, teen pregnancy prevention, etc. It's a great website that I've started to use, not only just because of the sunglasses, but it's great to help out where you can. I know everyone says that, but in all seriousness, I wish I could do more. Even if you don't use dosomething, try contacting your local SPCA or homeless shelter to see if you can help. If you live in an area like mine where there are TOO many volunteers to help out at pet or homeless shelters, try finding something else. Like locally tutoring, habitat for humanity, a church or anywhere else you can find.

 I hope you guys check out as well as yardsellr. The links to the craft items are listed in the video as well.

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